
Born in Dundee in 1962, Colin graduated from the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in that city with a degree and postgraduate diploma in Fine Art. In 1987 he was awarded John Kinross Scholarship by the Scottish Royal Academy and went to study in Florence.

Since then he has built up a strong international career profile, with regular exhibitions of his paintings throughout the UK, Europe and America. He has spent periods living and painting in Europe - including Italy and Germany - and is now based in Stonehaven on the northeast coast of Scotland, where he has his studio. Colin’s paintings have received a number of awards, most notably a major Artist's Grant from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York in 1996.

In his work Brown pulls together random elements and fragments into closely controlled compositions. The paintings, which run a fine line between impulse and calculation, continuously shift context and meaning. Rather than attempting to realise a predetermined concept, his work follows a specific process which allows the painting to emerge through its implementation.

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