
How to take care of your art

Taking good care of your framed art can help ensure it lasts for years to come. We’ve highlighted some simple tips to help you look after the art you love.

How do I clean framed art?

Before cleaning, remove the framed art from the wall and place on a flat and stable surface.

The wooden frame can be gently cleaned or dusted with a soft cloth or brush – never use a wet or damp cloth to wipe wax stained frames.

To clean acrylic glazing, wipe very gently using only a clean, damp and non-abrasive cloth. Use either water or a mild acrylic cleaner and apply the fluid on the cloth rather than the glazing itself. Never spray the cleaning product directly onto the artwork.

Where is the best place to hang my art?

To ensure your artwork remains as good as new, we would recommend that you do not hang it near a heat source such as a radiator or boiler. Excessive heat or excessive cold will damage both the frame and artwork.

We would also discourage you from hanging the print in a bathroom where evaporation and condensation may ruin the print and frame.

We use high quality, museum-standard acrylic glazing on all our frames because it is more robust and shatter resistant than glass. It also preserves your artwork, offering 92% clarity and 90% UV protection, keeping your print protected for many years to come. However, we suggest you hang your art in a place that won’t reflect too much light.

If young children are present in the house, it is worth making sure the artwork is not resting on the floor or a shelf but securely hung on the wall, much higher than their height so they are safe from the hard corners of the frame.

How do I pack my framed art for transporting?

When you have found a cardboard box to fit the artwork in, make sure there’s enough room for additional padding. Sustainable materials include paper bubble wrap, shredded paper, and loose fill chips. The corners of your artwork are most vulnerable, so ensure they are well covered and protected.

To add extra protection and ensure the artwork is secure, place packing material within the box and place the wrapped artwork inside. Finally, use brown tape to close and secure the box.

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